
What We Do

ProBAR empowers immigrants through high quality legal information, representation, and connections to services.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of migrants seek refuge and opportunity by crossing the U.S. – Mexico border to enter the Rio Grande Valley. Thousands are detained in South Texas by the Department of Homeland Security.

The children and families primarily come from Central America, while adults traveling without children come from countries around the world. Many travel to the United States seeking protection from violence and persecution. All encounter an immigration system which does not afford them the right to appointed counsel. They must find an attorney or represent themselves in court.

Language barriers, a lack of familiarity with U.S. law and court procedures, and limited financial resources present formidable obstacles to winning relief from deportation. Nonetheless, many qualify for humanitarian relief such as asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, and others. ProBAR’s services give immigrants a chance to gain safety and stability in the United States.


ProBAR served approximately 40,000 people in 2023.


Our Services

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ProBAR informs immigrants about their rights within the immigration process. We offer:

ProBAR informs immigrants about their rights within the immigration process. We offer:
  • Legal orientations for adults in immigration detention 
  • Child-friendly Know Your Rights presentations for detained unaccompanied children
  • Information and legal orientations for people in removal proceedings before the Harlingen Immigration Court 
  •  Legal orientations for the custodians of unaccompanied children 
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ProBAR represents many immigrants in their legal cases and offers pro se assistance when full representation is not possible. We provide:

ProBAR represents many immigrants in their legal cases and offers pro se assistance when full representation is not possible. We provide:
  • Representation before the Executive Office for Immigration Review, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and the Board of Immigration Appeals
  • Representation in Texas district court as relevant to Special Immigrant Juvenile
    Status cases
  • Representation in U.S. district court in select cases
  • Advocacy for release on bond or parole
  • Pro se assistance with applications for relief or release
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ProBAR connects immigrants with legal and social services they need to effectively pursue their immigration cases. We make:

ProBAR connects immigrants with legal and social services they need to effectively pursue their immigration cases. We make:
  • Legal referrals for unaccompanied children released to sponsors in other parts of the U.S.
  • Social service referrals for immigrants facing pressing needs

Where We Work

Our team serves children detained in the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement in Cameron, Hidalgo, and Willacy counties. Due to the number of unaccompanied children typically detained in the Rio Grande Valley, our work reaches some of the highest numbers of detained children nationally. 

ProBAR operates a Legal Orientation Program that serves adults detained at local immigration detention centers in the Rio Grande Valley:

ProBAR serves people at risk of deportation who live in the Rio Grande Valley, and in 2023, our services further expanded to include a field office that will provide representation to families in the Houston metro area. ProBAR serves children who have been released from ORR custody to live in Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr, and Willacy counties in the Rio Grande Valley and children residing in Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, and Montgomery counties in the Houston metro area. We also operate an Immigration Court Helpdesk program at the Harlingen Immigration Court to provide people facing removal proceedings without an attorney’s representation with free information and pro se assistance.  

For more information about our services or to request assistance, please contact us or see
How We Can Help.

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